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Tooth Trust Is A Directory of Dentists That Offer Free Second Opinions

Are you unsure about the current treatment plan offered by your dentist? Want a second opinion, but concerned it'll be expensive or your insurance won't pay for it?

ToothTrust helps people in your situation. We've assembled a directory of dentists that offer free second opinions so that you can get the additional advice you need to make an informed decision without worrying about the cost.

Many dentists offer free consultations and second opinions as a way to get their community to better know about their services and what makes them unique.

Dentists can give very different advice when faced with the same situation. Although both dentists may offer a valid treatment plan, you may feel more comfortable with one over the other. Having a free second opinion is a great way to make an informed decision before having any dental work done.

Want to find a trusted dentist near you that offers free second opinions?